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jueves, 27 de abril de 2017


When we reflect on mankind’s history, we can come to the conclusion that a society that doesn’t live in harmony is bound to destroy itself. We only have to acknowledge:
a) that an always smaller part of the world population appropriates an always bigger part of all the available resources, which increases the tension between the different groups of people and between people and the environment; and
b) that everything – including weapons – continually becomes more sophisticated, and now that we have nuclear bombs, capable of causing mankind’s self-destruction, it is only a matter of time before these will be used.
Since a lot of people misunderstand this hypothesis, we must immediately clarify that it doesn’t say that our society is bound to destroy ourself. It only says that to avoid our imminent self-destruction – due to the fact that we don’t live in harmony and dispose of weapons that can cause a catastrophe –, we have to establish harmony.
To be able to solve a problem, we first have to recognize that we have a problem. Only when we acknowledge that a society that doesn’t live in harmony – like ours – is bound to destroy itself, will we investigate why we have conflicts with the other people and with our environment.
Life continually teaches us lessons. When we don’t do things right – when we don’t respect our nature, the nature of others, or the nature of the environment –, sooner or later we suffer the consequences.
The most important lesson we have to learn is that a society that doesn’t live in harmony is bound to destroy itself. Our survival depends on how we react to this hypothesis. It depends on whether we discover what keeps us from living in harmony or why we have conflicts.
The invention of nuclear weapons is a milestone in mankind’s history because it enables us to become aware of the true nature of our society. The fact that we now dispose of weapons that can put an end to mankind, enables us to realize that we are all in the same boat, and that if that boat sinks, we all perish: rich and poor, conservative and progressive, good and evil, believers and non-believers.
Before there were nuclear weapons, we could benefit from other people’s conflicts. Today this is no longer true. We cannot afford a nuclear war, because we would not survive it. Since a small conflict can escalate in a world war, we can actually no longer afford any conflict at all. To avoid conflicts, and thus guarantee mankind’s survival, instead of only worrying about our own well-being, we must care about everybody’s well-being.
It is easy to blame others for what goes wrong in the world, but to avoid a nuclear war we have to recognize our co-responsibility. It is true that when people encounter problems, it is in the first place their responsbility to find a solution. If they want to avoid similar problems in the future, they have to discover what circumstances causes such a problem. However, since everything in this world is somehow related to everything else, all other people hold some responsibility as well. And all people can of course learn from that experience. Therefore, instead of only helping our family become acquainted with the important lessons that life teaches us, we must help other families to do so as well.
A lot of people ‘believe’ that some people are good and other people are bad and it will always be like that. However, life teaches us that everything in this world follows the principle of cause and effect. Therefore, to avoid that people behave evil, we only have to discover what circumstances make them do so. Even when we can’t change the people who already behave evilly, we can prevent others from imitating that behaviour, and what matters when we try to establish harmony are of course the future generations.
What do you think is the meaning of life?
The meaning of life is to have a good time. This may seem frivolous, but to avoid having unpleasant experiences, we must learn everything there is to learn about ourselves, the other people and the environment, because when we don’t respect ourselves, the others and the environment, sooner or later we are confronted with the consequences. The most important lesson we have to learn in regard with the interaction between us and the world around us (the others and the environment), is that a society that doesn’t live in harmony is bound to destroy itself. That idea enables us to comprehend the meaning of life so much better.

By using the word ‘harmony’ instead of the word ‘peace’, the hypothesis which says, “a society that doesn’t live in harmony – like ours – is bound to destroy itself”, encourages people to reflect upon the difference between these two concepts.
People who idolize peace ignore that it inevitably leads to war, since it doesn’t put an end to the struggle for resources. Whereas during peace people keep themselves to certain rules when they struggle for resources, during war they don’t. Because of this struggle for resources some people continually gather more wealth, while others continually find more difficulties to survive. When the former get frustrated because gathering more wealth becomes difficult, or the latter get frustrated because surviving becomes difficult, they may no longer see the advantage of keeping themselves to rules while struggling for resources. Peace and war thus form a vicious circle. To avoid war, we have to question peace, and must therefore also question the struggle for resources.
People who idolize peace find it difficult to acknowledge that a society that doesn’t live in harmony is bound to destroy itself. They assume that to avoid self-destruction, we only have to make sure that people continue to live in peace or don’t use nuclear weapons during a conflict. But peace cannot be imposed forever, as the struggle for the resources increases the tension between the different groups of people and between people and the environment. Therefore, to guarantee mankind’s survival, we have to discover why we struggle for the resources and why we have conflicts with the other people and with the environment.
The hypothesis which says, “A society that doesn’t live in harmony – like ours – is bound to destroy itself” is new. Others have warned about mankind’s self-destruction, but either saw this as the result of a nuclear war or as the result of the damage caused to the environment. They however ignore that we have weapons of mass-destruction and damage the environment because we don’t live in harmony.
Living in harmony means to have good relations with other people and with the environment. Since we get our resources from our environment, living in harmony with other people and living in harmony with the environment are interrelated. Trying to improve relations with the environment makes therefore little sense when at the same time we don’t try to improve relations with others.
When we realize that living in harmony with other people and living in harmony with the environment are interrelated, it is difficult not to become aware of the importance of following an adequate birth policy. When in one region families have lots of children there comes a time that their environment no longer provides enough resources for everybody and they either all die; start struggling for resources; emigrate to regions that still have enough resources; or start following an adequate birth policy. If they emigrate and continue having lots of children, there comes a time that also their new habitat no longer manages to provide enough resources.
When we reflect upon the struggle for resources, we see that since the earth is limited, also its resources are limited. Therefore, dividing the resources is the same as dividing a pizza. The larger the portion one person appropriates, the smaller the portion all the others get.
Most people ignore that the larger portion of the resources they appropriate, the smaller the portion of the resources all other people get. Some people do so because they either haven’t reflected much upon the struggle for resources or do not process information right. Others deliberately ignore the pizza theory because they realize that with a fair division they would get a smaller portion.
People are so used to the struggle for resources that they no longer question its consequences. A lot of people actually consider the struggle for resources as a game. Since people admire winners, the rich not only obtain a lot of wealth, but also a lot of respect.
‘The survival of the fittest’, an economic theory based on Charles Darwin’s evolutionary theory, offers the rich an additional reason for being proud of themselves and for ignoring the pizza theory: they belong to the fittest. Today, the ‘harmony’ hypothesis however tells us that we are all in the same boat and if that boat sinks, both rich and poor die. The big difference with other species is that we not only struggle for survival, but also for luxuries and that eventually this leads to self-destruction.
Is not struggling for resources the same as communism?
The big difference between communism and living in harmony is that while communism obliges people not to struggle for resources, people who live in harmony do not struggle for resources because of a better comprehension of themselves, the others and the world they live in. Whereas communism may oblige people to follow an adequate birth policy, people who live in harmony follow an adequeate birth policy because they comprehend that, since living in harmony with other people is interrelated with living in harmony with the environment, there should not be more children than the invironment is able to feed.
Not struggling for resources doesn’t mean that all people have the same ‘luxuries’. Some people can of course work more and enjoy more luxuries, while others work less and enjoy more free time. Not struggling for resources simply means that we no longer overevaluate our work and underevaluate that of others.

When we reflect upon extraterrestrial life and the hypothesis which says, “a society that doesn’t live in harmony – like ours – is bound to destroy itself”, the most relevant question to ask is whether the inhabitants of another planet live in harmony. In case they do, the fact that we don’t, is a good reason for avoiding contact with us.
The hypothesis that a society that doesn’t live in harmony is bound to destroy enables us to reflect upon extraterrestrial life from a new perspective. In case the inhabitants of another planet live in harmony, we represent a threat to their society, as we have not yet learned to do so.
In case they don’t live in harmony and our civilization is more advanced, it won’t take long before we appropriate the resources of that planet and make its inhabitants work for us. We may even eat them if they don’t look like us. In case they don’t live in harmony and their civilization is more advanced, it won’t take long before they appropriate our resources and make us work for them. They may even eat us if we don’t look like them.
Since harmonious societies may consider inharmonious societies a threat, we might wonder whether perhaps our planet originally started as a ‘correctional camp’. The best way to treat people who don’t behave properly is to isolate them – on an island or a planet – and let them do whatever they want. Although such a society would at first be hell, as nobody cares how their behaviour affects others, by suffering the consequences of such behaviour, people might gradually learn to respect other people and their environment.
The inhabitants of a planet who live in harmony cannot teach the inhabitants of a planet who don’t, since people have to be ready for new ideas. People often think they are ready, but ignore that they are so used to certain habits – struggling for resources, having lots of children, eating other creatures, consuming certain drugs – that they no longer question them.
When we reflect upon harmony, we however see that to live in harmony with our environment, and therefore also with other people, we have to have some kind of birth control, since there shouldn’t be more people than our environment can feed. And when we reflect upon extraterrestrials that might want to appropriate our resources, enslave us or even eat us, we see it would be hypocritical of us to tell them not to treat us in such a cruel way, when that is how we treat the other creatures on our planet. When we reflect upon vegetarianism, we see that it may be easier for vegetarians to live in harmony, since empathy with other creatures tends to go together with empathy for other people.
In regards to extraterrestrial life, we must realize that our vision of the universe is based on the axiom which says that two straight lines running parallel with each other never cross each other. Since an axiom is an idea which is supposed to be correct but that nobody has managed to demonstrate it is correct, our vision of the universe is not necessarily correct.
If we think of two rows of bricks it is difficult to imagine that however long we make a wall they will never converge. But if we think about how two straight lines running parallel with each other behave, it is useful to know a bit more about the nature of one straight line and about the space in which we project it. Wondering about how two straight parallel lines behave is really the same as inquiring about the nature of the universe. Therefore, perhaps we are not only isolated physically, but also mentally.

When we reflect upon the hypothesis which says, “a society that doesn’t live in harmony – like ours – is bound to destroy itself”, we eventually wonder whether mankind ever lived in harmony; whether mankind ever destroyed itself, and what would happen to our society in case tomorrow a huge catastrophe occurs and there are only a few survivors.
Certain legends claim that our ancestors once lived in harmony, but neither has it been demonstrated that they ever lived in harmony nor that they never lived in harmony. In case they did, this means that we should be able to live in harmony, and therefore to avoid self-destruction, since what was possible in the past should be possible in the future. In case they didn’t, this doesn’t mean that harmony on earth is impossible, since it is not because something has not yet been achieved that it can’t be achieved.
Other legends refer to a great civilization of the past that disappeared because of a catastrophe. Since a society that doesn’t live in harmony is bound to destroy itself, we can wonder whether these legends refer to a society that destroyed itself. There is no proof that mankind ever destroyed itself, but there is also no proof that mankind never destroyed itself. However, whatever exists today may have already existed in the past. Everything we have learned about nature, our ancestors may have discovered many generations ago. If there ever existed a civilization with a high level of technology, it should not surprise us that it destroyed itself, since that is what happens to an advanced society when people don’t live in harmony.
What happens to a civilization after a catastrophe leaves only a few survivors?
An advanced civilization is the result of the cooperation of lots of different people that dedicate themselves to lots of different tasks that require materials that come from lots of different places. When a catastrophe occurs, and only a few people survive, that civilization is bound to come to an end. The new circumstances the survivors get confronted with will set the clock back of evolution.
Recreating all the different advanced devices they had before that catastrophe is not only very difficult and time consuming, but there is also no longer any real use for them. People again need simple tools. Instead of dedicating themselves to highly specialized tasks, they now have to worry about gathering enough food, protecting themselves against unfavourable weather conditions, against wild creatures, etc.
The survivors of such a catastrophe have to work hard because everything got destroyed. Since there are fewer people, there are however more resources for everybody. Only later, when their numbers increase, and there are no longer enough resources for everybody, people again have to compete with each other to get their share of the resources.
The law of the fittest decides who survives and who becomes wealthy. Those who gather more food than they need to survive soon long for luxury goods and luxury services that require specialization and stimulate the trade between different regions. This makes that those who are creative and inventive, or who trade with other regions offer their services to those who are wealthy.
Wealth always attracts the attention of those who have not enough resources and of those who simply want more resources. Therefore, those who are wealthy have to dedicate a lot of effort in protecting their wealth. This encourages people to become even more creative and inventive. Since the weapons that serve to protect oneself often also serve to attract another, this creativity eventually leads to the invention of arms that can cause the self-destruction of that society.
There are not only reasons for assuming that after only a few people survive a big catastrophe, an advanced civilization would come to an end, but also for assuming that a few generations later people would even ignore it ever existed. One is that such a catastrophe is a very traumatic experience and the survivors may prefer not to talk about it to the next generations. Another is that people like to be proud of themselves and having formed part of an advanced civilization that destroyed itself is something to be ashamed of. And yet another reason is that once people again lived in a primitive way, each new generation of course finds it more difficult to imagine weapons capable of causing so much destruction.

We only have to reflect upon mankind’s evolution – to acknowledge that weapons continually grow more sophisticated and that we now have weapons of mass-destruction; that the gap between rich and poor gets bigger and bigger, and therefore the tension between different groups of people and between people and their environment increases - to come to the conclusion that a society that doesn’t live in harmony is bound to destroy itself. Then why do even intellectuals ignore this reality?
Some people ignore this because they simply have not processed all the available information. Others do so deliberately – although they are often unaware of it –, because they assume that harmony on Earth is impossible and therefore self-destruction is inevitable. Problems that seem to have no solution are indeed so stressful that people prefer to ignore them. And nothing is of course more stressful than assuming that in the near future mankind will destroy itself and life will be over.
People assume that harmony is impossible because they ‘believe’ that some people are good and other people are bad and it will always be like that. Since nobody has demonstrated that people are evil for no apparent reason, we can assume that, just like with everything in this world, there must be a reason why people behave evilly, so that to restore harmony we only have to discover why they do so.
The fact that philosophers search for the truth, scientists study the nature of mankind and of the universe, politicians care about our future, and theologians study the mysteries of life, and have nevertheless not come the conclusion that a society that doesn’t live in harmony is bound to destroy itself, demonstrates that they process information as badly as all other people.
Processing information right means to reach all the conclusions it enables us to reach, by investigating how each new idea affects all previous ideas. The problem is that we get so much information that we seldom do so. This is why, when nuclear weapons were invented, few people realized that this not only meant that mankind was now able to destroy itself, but also that a society that doesn’t live in harmony is bound to destroy itself.
That also the ‘authorities’ have not become aware of this hypothesis – we know they haven’t because they are not telling us to establish harmony – demonstrates that, instead of expecting them to avoid mankind’s self-destruction, we have to do so ourselves. It is our future and therefore our responsibility to achieve this.
Ignorance and arrogance often go together
Although we don’t process information right, we have nevertheless a good opinion of ourselves. That we are on the verge of destroying creation doesn’t keep us from regarding ourselves at the head of creation. Ignorance and arrogance indeed often go together. Wisdom, on the other hand, requires humility, and that is certainly not a characteristic of most authorities.
When people learn about this hypothesis they often react irresponsibly                   
When people are told that a society that doesn’t live in harmony is bound to destroy itself and that mankind’s self-destruction may be imminent, since we don’t live in harmony and now dispose of weapons of mass destruction, some exclaim, “Perhaps this is what is supposed to happen!”; others comment, “We may perish, but the universe will go on!”; and still others say, “Something will happen that avoids mankind’s self-destruction, since mankind has always managed to survive.”

These reactions are irresponsible. Imagine that one day you discover that the road everybody is taking leads to an abyss. Instead of exclaiming, “Perhaps we have to die that way!”, “My life and that of my family means nothing. The universe will continue!” or “Something will make that abyss disappear, since people have always followed that road and have never encountered an abyss!”, it makes more sense to slow down, warn the others, and look for another road.

The main reason why we don’t live in harmony with other people and with the environment is that we do not learn everything there is to learn from our experiences, and therefore, that we, and the society we form part of, make the same mistakes over and over again.
Living in harmony means to respect oneself, the others and the environment. If we don’t do so, sooner or later we suffer the consequences. When we reflect upon those consequences, we see that to live in harmony with the others and with the environment, we only have to learn everything there is to learn from our experiences. The fact that we, and the society we form part of, make the same mistakes over and over again, demonstrates that we do not learn everything there is to learn from those mistakes. For instance, if we learned everything there is to learn from war, we would no longer have wars.
History repeats itself only when people do not learn everything there is to learn from their experiences. What matters about the past is that it teaches us valuable lessons, and that we can have a better future, when in the present we adjust our behaviour, thanks to what we have learned from the past.
Sadly enough, a lot of people misunderstand history. They study certain parts of history because they want to feel proud of themselves, and they ignore other parts of history because they do not want to feel ashamed of themselves. However, what matters is not how our ancestors behaved, but how we behave. And what matters is not how someone behaved in the past, but how he behaves in the present.
Does living in harmony require a good understanding of reality?
When we investigate the ultimate cause of our conflicts, we must investigate why we do not process information right. Living in harmony requires a good understanding of reality: of ourselves, the world we live in, and of interaction between them. The problem is that although there is only one reality, people see it differently because they focus on different aspects. Whereas a bad understanding of reality divides people, a good understanding of reality brings people together. A good understanding of reality takes into account all different aspects (the different sides of a story); a bad understanding only takes into account some of them (only one side of a story).
Is a good understanding of reality only possible when we have a good perception of reality?
A good understanding of reality is only possible when we have a good perception of reality and acknowledge all the information we can gather from our experiences. To be able to reach all the conclusions that our experiences enable us to reach, we should of course not ignore certain information. Whereas with a good perception of reality we acknowledge all the causes and consequences of our behaviour, with a bad perception of reality we don’t. Therefore, the ultimate cause of our conflicts is a bad perception of reality.
To discover what keeps us from living in harmony we have to ask what alters our perception of reality. Drugs do so. Certain drugs make us pay so much attention to certain aspects that we ignore others. They make us give so much importance to what we long for that ‘how’ we obtain it no longer matters. They make us focus so much on the immediate benefits of our actions, that we ignore that when we do not do things right, sooner or later we suffer the consequences.

Very soon after people loose their good perception of reality, because of drugs that make them focus their attention on certain aspects of reality and ignore others, they no longer treat each other right. What they long for becomes now more important than how they obtain what they long for. The victims of sexual and other abuse suffer traumas, which damages their perception of reality. Since they are unable to learn everything there is to learn from those experiences, these abuses and traumas get passed on from one generation to the following.
Imagine a society that lives in harmony. Since people have a good perception of reality, they learn everything there is to learn from their experiences, and thus acquire a good understanding of themselves, of the world they live in, and of the interaction between them. Now imagine that one day they start fooling around with drugs that alter their perception of reality. How do you think that affects that society? What do you think will happen now that these people pay more attention to what they want than to how they achieve it, and they now focus so much on the short term consequences of their behaviour, that they no longer see the long term consequences of their behaviour?
We can assume that when people now long for something, those who are stronger may take it by force, instead of exchanging it for something the other person longs for. We can assume that victims later look for revenge and thus create a vicious circle of violence leading to more violence.
When the abuser is much stronger, his victims are defenceless. When they don’t see how to avoid future abuse they will suffer traumas. It is of course very unpleasant for them to realize that someone may steal from them something that they have worked very hard for. This is even more traumatic when such a loss endangers their survival.
Remembering an unpleasant experience can be so traumatic that it endangers our survival and we therefore decide to block it from our consciousness. This however affects our ‘thoughts stream’ which is based on associations. Blocking that memory from our consciousness means that each time a particular characteristic would remind us of that unpleasant experience, we simply divert our attention. Whereas before we would be reminded of that unpleasant experience each time we were confronted with a characteristic of the abuser (his race, age, sex, height, weight, etc.), with a characteristic of the day we were abused (a particular moment of the day, a particular day of the week, a particular day of the month, a particular kind of weather conditions, etc.), or with a characteristic of the place where we were abused (a particular kind of terrain, etc.), now we immediately direct our attention to something else.
The problem of traumas – of blocking unpleasant experiences from our consciousness – is that they alter our perception of reality, so that we can no longer obtain a good understanding of reality. The problem is that to recover a good perception of reality we now not only have to stay away from drugs, but also have to deal with our traumas.
A lot of traumatic experiences have to do with sexual relations. We can assume that when people pay more attention to what they long for, than to how they achieve it, and focus so much on the short time consequences of their behaviour that they no longer see the long term consequences of their behaviour, a lot of women are sexually abused because men are stronger.
Sexual abuse is very traumatic because victims realize that what happened to them may one day happen again. Not knowing how to avoid future abuse can cause so much stress that life no longer seems worth living.
Sexual abuse is even more traumatic for children. But whereas it is more difficult for them to defend themselves, it is easier for them to erase that unpleasant experience from their consciousness. The problem is that when they do so, they can no longer learn from it and this experience lives on in their subconscious. The problem is that children observe how adults behave in certain circumstances to imitate them in case they are ever confronted with similar circumstances. The problem is that when people loose control and can therefore no longer react rationally, their subconscious takes over, which is where they have ‘guarded’ the adult behaviours they have witnessed and which they may imitate in case they are ever confronted with similar circumstances. The problem is that when they are confronted with too many characteristics of that unpleasant experience, they no longer manage to divert attention so that they are suddenly reminded of that unpleasant experience, and this can be so traumatic that they loose control. The problem is that drugs can open the gate of our subconscious, which is where we have ‘banned’ these unpleasant experiences. The problem is that by blocking this unpleasant experience from our consciousness abused children may later in life become abusers.
An abuser who abuses a child, because he suddenly lost control after being reminded of how he was abused when he was a child, will not necessarily continue to abuse, and he will not necessarily remember that he ever abused. In case he was thought to condemn such behaviour, he will find that experience as traumatic as the child that he abused. The idea that he just did something that his society condemns is so unbearable that he immediately erases this experience from his consciousness. In case he is never again confronted with circumstances that make him loose control, he may never again abuse children.
It is because of the defence mechanism that makes victims block sexual abuse from their consciousness, in order to make life bearable, that certain sexual abuse gets passed on from one generation to another. It is also because of this defence mechanism that a lot of families are unaware of having an abuser or an abused child at home.

Whereas sexual abuse is already terrible for a little girl, it is even worse for a little boy, since he also has to deal with the fact that he was used as if he was a female. By blocking this experience from his consciousness he will not only find it later more difficult to learn the nature of sexual relations – whatever information related to sexual relations will make him remember his unpleasant experience – but he will also find it more difficult to figure out his own sexuality. We thus see that not all homosexuals were born as homosexuals. Some of them became homosexuals because of what happened during their childhood. When we ignore this reality, we ignore that child abuse is more common than most people are aware of.

Drugs are like medicine. Instead of taking them, we should ask what makes us sick. Instead of taking drugs to keep up with our society, we should question our society. Instead of taking drugs to relax and enjoy life, we should ask why we cannot always relax and always enjoy life.
To avoid our self-destruction, we have to discover why we have conflicts. Since the ultimate cause of our conflicts is a bad perception of reality which was originally caused by drugs, we have a good reason for questioning drugs.
The problem with drugs is that since they alter our perception of reality – for instance, they enable us to regard ourselves at the head of creation, although we are on the verge of destroying creation – we find it very difficult to recognize the damage they cause to our society.
Whereas from Monday to Friday we take drugs that help us follow the working rhythm of our jobs, from Friday evening to Sunday afternoon we take drugs that help us relax. This demonstrates there is something terribly wrong with our society. Instead of taking drugs we should investigate why we long for them. Questions we should ask are, “Why do we work so hard?”, “Why do we feel so insecure that we need drugs to socialize and have a good time?”, “Do drugs not open the ‘doors’ of our subconscious where we guard traumatic experiences?”, “Are drugs not often at the origin of sexual abuse and do victims of sexual abuse not often later have problems with drugs?” ,“Is it perhaps because of drugs that we ignore that we should not do to others what is hateful to ourselves?”, “Is it perhaps because of drugs that we ignore that we are all one family and should care not only for our own but for everybody’s wellbeing?” and “Is it perhaps because of drugs that we ignore that everything in this world is somehow related to everything else in this world and therefore we are co-responsible for all the evil that happens in this world?” 


The ages of the first 7 patriarchs (from Adam to Enoch) totals 5,879, which is 7 times 7 times 120 minus 1. The ages of the next 13 patriarchs (from Methuselah to Abraham) totals 5,867, which is 7 times 7 times 120 minus 13.

Genesis offers ages for the first 10 patriarchs (from Adam to Noah) and for the following 10 patriarchs (from Shem to Abraham). It tells us the years they had when they had their heir; the years they lived after they had their heir, and the years they lived in total[i].
By giving such importance to these numbers, Genesis encourages us to investigate whether perhaps they hold secrets; whether perhaps we ignore something about them. When we research these numbers[ii], we find that the ages of the first 7 patriarchs (from Noah to Enoch) totals 5,879, just one less than 5,880, which is 7 times 7 times 120 years.
The age of Enoch[iii], the seventh patriarch, is 365. This figure refers to the number of days in a year. While a normal year has 365 days, a leap year has 366. With this number we reach a total of 5,880.
When we now count the ages of the next 13 patriarchs (from Methuselah to Abraham), we come to a total of 5,867, or 5,880 minus 13.[iv] These 13 years equal one per patriarch. However, thirteen is also the age Ishmael, Abraham’s firstborn son[v], had when Yahweh gave Abraham a covenant. It is the age at which a child becomes an adult because he is now able to procreate.
Secrets in the Bible                           
The fact that the ages of the first 7 patriarchs total 7 times 7 times 120 minus 1, and the ages of the next 13 patriarchs total 7 times 7 times 120 minus 13, tells us that Genesis holds secrets[vi]. This should not surprise us because calling a book ‘sacred’ originally referred to recognizing that it held secrets and ‘religion’ originally referred to reading a sacred book many times in order to discover its secrets.
The word ‘sacred’ has the same origin as ‘secret’ and derives from the verb ‘to segregate’. Our ancestors called the part of the temple that only the high priest could enter ‘sacred’ because it was ‘segregated’ (separated) from the rest. Since what is segregated conceals something from other people, the ideas ‘sacred’ and ‘secret’ were associated with each other from the very beginning. Therefore, when later they created stories that held secrets, they referred to them as ‘sacred’, just like the books in which these stories were later written down.
The word ‘religion’ derives from the Latin verb ‘legere’, which originally meant ‘to gather’ and, subsequently, ‘to read’. The prefix ‘re’ means ‘once again’. In order to discover the secrets in a sacred book we have to read the texts over and over again, i.e. re-read them, because this helps us to associate certain ideas with each other – in other words, to ‘reunite’ scattered ideas – and thus gain a better understanding of the whole.
May their days be a 120 years
Right before telling about the great flood, Genesis refers to sons of God that had children with the daughters of men. In regard with the sons that were born of those unions Yahweh said, “My spirit will not stay in man forever, who are only flesh; let their days be a hundred and twenty years (Gn6:3).”
Since not only the patriarchs who lived before the flood (from Adam to Noah), but also those who lived after the flood (from Shem to Abraham) were much older than 120 years, it makes a lot of sense that the figure 120 shows up in regards with the sum of the ages of the first seven patriarchs and of the next thirteen patriarchs.       

 When we research these numbers a bit more, we also see that after having their heir, none of the patriarchs live longer than 7 times 120 years. Kenan is the one who lived longest after he had his heir, and he only lived another 840 years, which is exactly 7 times 120 years.
When we research a bit more we also find the following:
 -There are exactly 3 times 120 years between the death of Adam and the death of Mahalalel.
 -The number 1556, the year that Noah has Shem, Ham and Japheth is 13 times 120 minus 4.
 -Noah was 600 years (5 times 120) when the great flood happened.
 -Shem, Noah’s son, died when he was 600 years (5 times 120 years).
 -Between the death of Enoch, in the year 987, and the birth of Abraham, in the year 1946, 959 years pass (8 times 120 minus 1).
 -Eber died 1198 years after Enoch died (10 times 120 years minus 2).
 -The ages of the father (Enosh) and son (Mahalalel) of Kenan total 1800 (15 times 120).
 -The ages of the father (Methuselah) and son (Noah) of Lamech total 1919 (16 times 120 minus 1).
 -The ages of Peleg y Reu are 239 (2 times 120 minus 1).
The number 7
Genesis mentions the number 7 on several occasions: the 7 days of creation (Gn2:2), the 7 fold vengeance that people will suffer who kill Abel (Gn4:15), and the 7 pairs of pure animals that Noah is asked to take with him on the Ark (Gn7:2).
In regard with the genealogies it is relevant that Yahweh asked Noah to take with him on the Ark seven pairs of each species of pure animals and one pair of each species of impure animals, so that they as well would survive the flood. Since God differentiates between pure and impure animals, it is logical to wonder what ‘pure’ and ‘impure’ refer to. The answer is obvious[vii]. If seven pairs of pure animals (male and female) and only one pair of impure animals (male and female) were needed to repopulate the earth, ‘impure’ refers to incest and inbreeding[viii].
When we reflect upon how seven couples can populate the earth while avoiding endogamy, we eventually become aware of the importance of the male (always from father to son) and female (always from mother to daughter) lineages. If we take the male lineage A and, in the first generation, crossbreed it with the female lineage H, in the second generation with the female lineage I, and successively cross it with all female lineages, seven generations later it is again the turn of the female lineage H. This tells us that God, the father of Adam, has something in common with Enoch: it explains why it is Enoch who walked with God. (Gn5:24)

What is interesting about the story of the Flood is that in order to discover whether the author of Genesis considered Noah and his family pure or impure, we only have to count the pairs of humans on the ark. There were four: Noah and his wife, together with their three sons and their respective wives (Gn7: 13). This leaves humans right between pure and impure.
When we assume that Adam and Eve were the first couple on Earth, it of course doesn’t surprise us that God associates Noah and his family with incest and endogamy. But Genesis indicates that Adam and Eve were only the first couple who put an end to harmony. It says that God created man in his image, male and female. How can we assume that God is impure? Furthermore, it also refers to sons of God who had children with daughters of man. Does that not clearly refer to two different communities that coincided on Earth: those who lived in harmony (gods) and those who didn’t (men)? Therefore, we can consider that incest and endogamy are yet another consequence of eating the forbidden fruit that put an end to harmony.
[i] Genesis doesn’t mention the amount of years the last 10 patriarchs lived after having their heir. The only exception is Shem. Genesis mentions how many years he lived after he had his heir, but then doesn’t mention the total amount of years he lived, which it does for all other 19 patriarchs.
[ii] Albert Einstein said, “If we knew what we were looking for, we wouldn’t call it ‘re-search’, would we?”
[iii] Genesis says of Enoch that he walked with God.
[iv] In regards with the ages of the Patriarchs I must point out that they hold an enigma which I have not been able to resolve but perhaps you may do so. Genesis says that Noah had his sons when he was 500 years; that when he was 600 years old the flood occurred, and that Shem was a hundred years old when he begat Arpachshad, ‘two years after the flood’. Being unable to resolve this enigma I took the year of the flood (1656 ) as the year for the birth of Arpachshad.
[v] Whereas Isaac is the son Abraham had from his wife Sarah, Ishmael is the son he had from Hagar, Sarah’s servant.
[vi] Although these genealogies were given in two groups of 10, we can now divide them in one group of 7, which is a number of good luck, and another of 13, which is a number of bad luck
[vii] Although the answer is obvious when we reflect upon those animals having to repopulate the earth, religious authorities base themselves on the dietary laws of Moses to claim that pure animals refer to those God allows us to eat and impure to those that are forbidden.
[viii] In the Spanish translation of the Jerusalem Bible this is even more obvious as it says in regards to the seven pairs: “so that caste survives all over the earth”.

Only when you believe that Genesis is a sacred book, and it is therefore supposed to say the truth, the patriarch’s old ages seem to discredit it, given that nowadays few people live more than a hundred years.  When you however consider that Genesis is a book that holds secrets, the patriarch’s old ages make you wonder why its author invented them and what they apport to the story.

The first thing that catches our attention with regard to the genealogies in Genesis is the high ages of Abraham’s ancestors. As it is assumed they were our ancestors, and given that nowadays few people live more than a hundred years, these ages seem to discredit this book; consequently, many people assume that Genesis is a myth and it is not worth studying the genealogies.
This is a mistake, because in a book anything is possible, and what matters first and foremost is not whether some of our ancestors really did live to such an old age, but what the author is trying to tell us by referring to these ages.
Although these high ages make no sense to us, we should bear in mind that the author must have had a good reason for referring to them. What did Genesis stand to gain by including these high ages? Apparently, nothing. What did it stand to lose? Credibility. Why would the author of Genesis want to discredit his own work? Well, he may have wanted to guard a secret that only few people were able to understand.
These high ages have something in common with the long lists of unusual names we find in the genealogies. What did Genesis stand to gain by offering these lists? Apparently, nothing. What did it stand to lose? A vast number of readers, because they get so bored with these lists that they give up on the Bible. Why would the author of Genesis want to bore his readers? Well, he may have wanted to protect the secrets concealed in those genealogies.
Trying to make sense out of the old ages
These high ages have posed many problems for theologians and Bible scholars. For them these ages make no sense, since people do not tend to live nine hundred years or beget children when they are over one hundred years old, and there is no reason to wait so long to have children. This meant that both the believers and non-believers among them were attracted to the idea that at a certain time copyists must have made a mistake when transcribing those numbers. Since believers consider that the Bible is the work of God, and God of course doesn’t make mistakes, they had even more reason for assuming that the copyists made mistakes.
This point of view is easy to understand when we take into account that the three different versions of the Bible[i] –the Hebrew Masoretic Text, the Greek Septuagint and the Samaritan Pentateuch– offer different ages for Abraham’s ancestors. This obliges us to ask which version offers the right ages and why they offer different figures.
After reflecting on these ages, some people realized that this problem can be solved by making two assumptions: the Greek Septuagint contains the original figures and they must be divided by ten. They assumed that the original text had these figures listed in a pre-cuneiform script – Genesis tells us that Abraham came from Ur, in Sumer, the southern part of ancient Babylon – and that much later someone made a ‘decimal error’ when these texts were translated into cuneiform.
With these new figures, Noah and his ancestors had their children at the age that we usually have ours, and also died at the age when most of us die. But there is a problem with this theory. Although nearly all of Abraham’s ancestors were in that case about 20 years old when they had their children, apart from Noah who was 50, Shem would have been only 10, and that seems too young. And another problem is that the Sumerians attached a great deal of importance to the number 6 (or 60) when calculating time. It is due to them that we have hours of 60 minutes, minutes of 60 seconds, and divide a circle into 360 degrees. Therefore, it makes little sense to assume that they originally divided a year into decimals. Saying that Methuselah was 16,7 years old when he fathered his son, and 96,9 years old when he died, sounds ridiculous to us, and it must have sounded even more absurd to the Sumerians.
This theory is simply trying to adapt these figures to ages that we can relate to. It is very similar to another theory which assumes that years originally referred to months. This theory is even more ridiculous, because in the case of the figures in the Masoretic Hebrew text, Enoch would have been 65 months old –about 5 years– when he fathered Methuselah.
The fact that scholars have gone to such lengths to match the high ages in Genesis with the ages at which we usually have children or usually die is quite incomprehensible, because Genesis acknowledges that these ages are unusual. For example, Sarah laughs when she is told that she is still going to have a child at her age –she was over 90 (Gn17:17) and had ceased to have her monthly periods (Gn18:11)–. And just before Flood, God says: “My spirit will not stay in man forever, who are only flesh; let their days be a hundred and twenty years.” (Gn6:3)
Which version of the Bible offers the original ages?
It is amazing that the three different versions of the Bible – the Hebrew Masoretic Text, the Greek Septuagint and the Samaritan Pentateuch –do not coincide with regard to certain important points, such as, for instance, the ages of the Patriarchs.
The Greek Septuagint is believed to be a translation of the Hebrew Masoretic Text. Around 250 BC the Jews that lived in Alexandria decided to translate the Bible into Greek, because this was the language they used instead of Hebrew. Legend has it that six translators from each of the twelve tribes came from Jerusalem. After translating the text they found that their texts matched one another. Although Septuagint is Greek for 70, this name refers to the 72 translators.
The Samaritan Pentateuch has only the first five books. It is different because after the reign of Solomon, when Israel was split into two, Judah and Israel each had their own history. It is written in the Samaritan alphabet, which differs from the Hebrew alphabet, and which was the language used prior to the deportation to Babylon.
Whereas Jews, Catholics and Protestants prefer translations from the Hebrew Masoretic Text, Orthodox Christians tend to favour the translations of the Septuagint, while the Samaritans use the Samaritan Pentateuch.
Since it is with the ages that appear in the Hebrew Masoretic Text that the ages of the first 7 patriarchs total 7 times 7 times 120 minus 1 and the ages of the following 13 patriarchs total 7 times 7 times 120 minus thirteen, it is obvious that the Hebrew Masoretic Text offers the original figures. This should not surprise us as the Greek Septuagint is a translation of the Hebrew Masoretic Text.
That the Greek Septuagint falsified these numbers is something we can also discover by studying the numbers in that book. The Greek Septuagint indicates that Methuselah was born in the year 1287 and died at the age of 969 (the same age as in the Hebrew Masoretic Text). This means that he died in the year 2256, which is 14 years after the Flood, which according to this version of the Bible occurred in the year 2242. Since Genesis tells us that only Noah, his wife, his three sons and their respective wives survived this catastrophe, there of course has to be something wrong with the figures in the Greek Septuagint.
The first falsification of the Bible?
The fact that the Hebrew Masoretic Text and the Greek Septuagint offer other figures is very intriguing. The legend that says this translation is the work of 72 people that came from Jerusalem (6 from each of the 12 tribes), and found their texts matched one another, was obviously invented to give credibility to the Greek Septuagint. This was necessary because they wanted to justify certain discrepancies with the original text, such as, for instance, the different ages for the Patriarchs.
But why does the Greek Septuagint offer different ages? When we look for possible reasons, we find that they may have tried to reconcile the chronology of the Old Testament with the ideas of the Greek world regarding universal chronology. In the Greek Septuagint the patriarchs are often a hundred years older when they fathered their child, and therefore we find that 3,412 years elapsed between the births of Adam and Abraham, instead of the 1,946 years according to the Masoretic Hebrew Text.
Many Jews believed that the Bible was the Word of God and told the whole truth. But it was much easier for Jews in Palestine to accept this than for those living in Egypt, who were constantly in contact with Greek culture. These people did not want to give up their traditions, but considered it important to adapt their Holy Scriptures to their newly acquired knowledge.
These translators assumed that Adam and Eve were the first people on Earth. They did not consider the possibility that Adam and Eve only referred to the first generation that put an end to harmony. Therefore, it worried them that according to Greek knowledge, there were already people on Earth way before Adam and Eve lived according to Jewish chronology, which was based on the ages of the Patriarchs.
We should bear in mind that the Jews who lived in the Greek world devoted themselves to proselytizing. How could they convince pagans that the Bible was the Word of God and told the whole truth if its timing did not tally with the Greek ideas regarding universal chronology? Therefore, we can assume that the religious authorities of Alexandria changed the Masoretic Hebrew Text on purpose. As they were so sure that the Bible tells the whole truth, discovering that its timing did not tally with the universal chronology may well have led them to conclude that copyists had made mistakes when copying these figures. After all, it is not known which system the original version of Genesis had used for these numbers.
The consecuences of the patriarch’s old ages
When we make a list of the ages and draw a graph we can see how the different generations coincided in time. The most significant characteristic of these genealogies is that many generations may have known each other. Noah, for example, may have known the 18 generations between Enosh, Adam’s grandson, and Abraham. Lamech, Noah’s father, may still have known Adam. This means that through his father, Noah may have found out what caused mankind’s fall. This is important because, according to Genesis, this lies at the root of all evil. And through Noah, Abraham may have learned not only what caused the Great Flood, but also what he discovered about the fall in the days of Adam. 

Whereas today people tend to have children between the ages of 20 and 40, the patriarchs, who are supposedly our ancestors, had theirs between the ages of 65, in the case of Mahalalel or Enoch, and 500, in the case of Noah. And whereas we tend to grow old rather early, Genesis suggests that this was not necessarily the case with our ancestors. When Noah was 500 years old he may still have had a similar appearance to when he was 30.
We should also point out that the children on this list are not necessarily the firstborn. Seth is not Adam’s firstborn; both Cain and Abel were born earlier. Moreover, the Enoch in Cain’s genealogy could not have been his first child, because Genesis says that Cain founded a city, which of course requires a large population. What is special about Seth –and may also have been the case of other patriarchs on this list– is that he was a son “in his likeness, after his image”.
The importance of these high ages is as well that it teaches us that the Enoch in the genealogy of Cain and the Enoch in the genealogy of Seth may refer to the same person. That Enoch’s real father (Jared) and Enoch’s supposed father (Cain) were separated several generations from each other, and the former was born at least 460 years before the latter, means nothing since Noah had his sons when he was 500 years old.
To discover that the Enoch in these two genealogies may refer to the same person we however also have to acknowledge that due to extramarital relations lineages can be real or supposed, and that Genesis recognizes this by basing real genealogies on the ‘father begat son’ principle and using for supposed genealogies formulas such as, “Cain knew his wife and she became pregnant and gave birth to Enoch.” The big difference between tracing back the female lineage of your mother (always from daughter to mother) and the male lineage of your father (always from son to father) is that you can be sure of the former, but not of the latter. Each time you go back a generation, you indeed have to do a new DNA test, as a child is not necessarily the son of the husband (partner) of its mother.
Only when we are aware of how these old ages affect the genealogies and that because of extramarital relations lineages can be real or supposed are we ready to discover the secrets in the genealogies. It is only then that we realize that the information in Genesis regarding family ties enables us to draw family trees that reveal several cases of extramarital relations and also of incest and endogamy.
Honour your father and your mother
One of the Ten Commandments says, “Honour your father and your mother so that you may live long in the land that Yahweh your God is giving you.” (Ex20:12) Most people only know the first part of this commandment and therefore assume it demands that we respect our parents. But this commandment tells us much more: in order to honour our parents, it is essential to know who they are. Only when we know who our parents are, can we avoid incest and endogamy and that is what this commandment is really about.
When we take another look at the graphs which offer the ages for the first 20 patriarchs (10+10 or 7+13), we see that Enoch, the seventh patriarch on this list, was the second to die, while Peleg, the fifteenth patriarch, was the tenth to die. What do Enoch and Peleg have in common? Among other things, both may not have known who their real father was. Both may have believed their father was someone much older: Enoch was raised by Cain[ii], while Peleg was raised by Shem[iii].

[i] All current Bibles are based on one of these three versions.
[ii] When we realize that because of extramarital relations some lineages are real and others are supposed, and are aware of the fact that Genesis encourages us to discover how the Enoch and Lamech in the genealogies of Cain and Seth may refer to the same people, we eventually discover that this book suggests that Yared, a descendant of Adam, had Enoch from Cain’s wife.
[iii] Genesis says that Shem begat Arpachshad; that Arpachshad begat Shelah; that Shelah begat Eber; and that Eber begat Peleg. Since it says as well, “Also sons were born to Shem, the father of all the sons of Eber” it suggests that Eber begat Peleg from one of Shem’s wives and that Shem therefore acted as a father towards the child.
Certain versions of the Bible say: “Shem was the ancestor of all the sons of Eber”, because the translator knew the term ‘father’ is also used in a much broader sense – Jabal, for instance, was the father of tent-dwelling herdsmen – and therefore believed this was what the author was referring to, since he simply could not fathom that Shem might really be the father of Heber’s sons. He thus created a new mystery, since the information about Shem being the ancestor, and not the father, of all the sons of Eber is completely superfluous, and people now have to wonder why Genesis doesn’t also mention that Shem was the ancestor of all the sons of Arpachshad, or of all the sons of Shelah.

One of the main contradictions in Genesis is that God tells Adam and eve they will die if they eat the forbidden fruit, yet they eat it but do not die.  Why does Genesis contradict itself? How do we explain that the serpent, which we associate with the devil, tells the truth when it says that Adam and Eve will not die after eating the forbidden fruit?  
The fact that God said to Adam that the day he ate the forbidden fruit he was doomed to die suggests that in the days of Paradise Adam and Eve were immortal.(Gn2:16-17) Therefore, we must reflect upon immortality. We assume that this refers to never dying, but when we take into consideration the principle of reincarnation we see that it may also refer to the ability to remember previous lives. By remembering past reincarnations, we know that we reincarnate in the future and, therefore, that life continues.
The idea of a life that continually renews itself is certainly more attractive than the idea of never dying, which seems more like hell. Who would not like to be able to pass through the different stages of life? Who would not miss the pleasure of seeing the new generations grow up?
No longer remembering past lives explains the ‘supposed’ contradiction we find in Genesis. When God says the day Adam eats from the tree of knowledge of good and evil he will die, He informs him that by no longer being able to remember his past lives, he will no longer be certain that life goes on after death. Although Adam does not die physically after eating the forbidden fruit, he dies spiritually, because from that day onwards he fears death more than anything else, because of the uncertainty that the end of this life brings.
We tend to reject the idea of reincarnation, because we are unable to remember our past lives. But what if not remembering our past lives is a consequence of our ancestors having eating the forbidden fruit? Is all the violence we suffered (because of others and caused to others) not such a traumatic experience that we have a good reason for not wanting to remember our past lives?
The similarities between the genealogies in Genesis and in the gospels
The genealogies in the gospels are, without any doubt, the work of someone who discovered the secrets in the genealogies in Genesis. Both recognize the fact that because of extramarital relations lineages can be real or supposed. While Genesis and Matthew base real lineages on the ‘father begat son’ principle, for supposed lineages Genesis uses formulas such as, “Cain knew his wife and she became pregnant and gave birth to Enoch” and Luke the formula, “Jesus was supposed to be the son of Joseph, the son of Heli…”
Matthew, who offers Jesus’ real lineage, says there are 14 generations from Abraham to David; from David to the deportation to Babylon and from the deportation to Babylon to Jesus. Since Matthew suggests that Jesus’ special lineage attracted each 14 generations a special spirit, we looked up which generation marked the deportation to Babylon and who is separated 14 generations from Abraham going back in time. We discovered Josiah marks the deportation to Babylon. He is special because he imposed an important religious reformation. We also discovered that Enoch is separated 14 generations from Abraham going back in time. He is special because Genesis says of him that he walked with God and that God took him with him when he was 365 years old.
Enoch is also special because when we reflected upon how seven couples of pure creatures repopulated the earth while avoiding endogamy, we saw that if a male lineage successively crossed with each of the seven female lineages, eight generations later it would again be the turn of first female lineage. God, the generation before Adam, had therefore something in common with Enoch.
When we take into account that all people are the result of a female (always from mother to daughter) and male linage (always from father to son) that crossed each other, we can wonder what happens when several generations later they again do so. Do they perhaps attract the same spirit each time they cross each other? Is that what Genesis refers to by mentioning seven pairs of pure creatures that had to repopulate the Earth? Is that what Matthew refers to by indicating there are 14 generations from Abraham to David; from David to the deportation to Babylon and from the deportation to Babylon to Jesus?
Since only four pairs of human being survived the food, before that catastrophe it was every seven and after that catastrophe every thirteen generations that this male and this female lineage crossed each other. The DNA of the other three pairs of course survived in the DNA of the four surviving pairs of human beings as male lineages successively crossed with each of the seven female lineages and female lineages successively crossed with each of the seven male lineages.
If Jesus was not only a descendant of Abraham, through a strict male lineage, always from father to son, but also a reincarnation of Abraham, it should not surprise us that he discovered the secrets in Genesis, since that book is very much based on the adventures of Abraham, and Judaism starts with him.
And if the Messiah is Jesus’ second coming?
Whereas Christians consider that Jesus was the Messiah, Jews claim that he wasn’t, because he didn’t restore harmony, which is what they expect of the Messiah. Since Christians believe in the Second Coming of Jesus, we can wonder whether Jesus’ Second Coming will restore harmony and whether the first Christians believed that Jesus was the Messiah because they believed in reincarnation and knew that Jesus Second Arrival would finish the work started by Jesus.
Christians believe that Jesus died on the cross without having had children. But how can they assume that this special lineage going from Adam to Enoch, Abraham, David and Josiah ended with Jesus? How can they assume that Jesus’ Second Coming will not have anything to do with Jesus? Is it not logical to assume that Jesus’ Second Coming will be a descendant of Jesus following this particular lineage? Is it not logical to assume that many generations later the male lineage of Jesus’ father and the female lineage of Jesus’ mother will again cross each other and thus attract the same spirit? How can they ignore that the fourteen Stations of the Cross should remind them that there are 14 generations from Enoch to Abraham, from Abraham to David, from David to Josiah, and from Josiah to Jesus? How can they ignore that the ideas of the crucifixion and the Fourteen Stations of the Cross refer to how the descendants of Jesus were going to marry each other to obtain, several 14 generations later, a clone of Jesus: His Second Coming?[i]
Christians consider the crucifixion to be very important because they believe that Jesus managed to save mankind by dying on the cross. They do not realize that the idea of Jesus’ crucifixion (found in the Bible) and the idea of dividing the Passion of Jesus into 14 stations (which is not in the Holy Scriptures) require an explanation. How did Christians come to think that Jesus saved mankind? Would he have saved the world if instead of dying on the cross he had died in an accident, after a stoning, or simply of old age? Why is the Via Crucis divided into 14 stations instead of, say, 12 or 23? When we reflect upon these questions and look for answers, we realize that the crucifixion also symbolizes a hidden reality: the Messianic plan going from Jesus to His Second Coming.
Was Barabbas Jesus’s son?
In the gospels we find the story of Pilate who lets the people decide whether he should free Jesus or Barabbas. Whereas Saint Matthew only says of Barabbas that he was a notorious prisoner (Mt27:16), according to Saint John he was a thief (Jn18:40), while Saint Mark and Saint Luke tell us that he was in jail with the rebels who had committed murder during the uprising (Mc15:7/Lc23:19). However, ‘bar’ and ‘abba’ are Aramaic, the language spoken at that time in those territories, and mean ‘son’ and ‘father’, respectively. Therefore, ‘Barabbas’ literally means ‘son of the father’.
The fact that Pilate lets the people choose between Jesus and someone called ‘the son of the father’ suggests that he had arrested Jesus’ son.[ii] This means that Pilate gave the Jews no real choice. If they chose Jesus, he would feel guilty about the death of his son. By choosing Barabbas, the Jews opted for that particular male lineage that many generations later would lead to Jesus’ Second Coming.
This new interpretation explains why only a few days after Jesus’ triumphal entry into Jerusalem the Jews suddenly wanted Jesus to be crucified. This reaction only makes sense when we consider that the Jews had decided to save his son.
Reflecting upon reincarnation
Although many people assume that after death a soul can freely choose a body in which to reincarnate, it is logical to assume that, just like with all other things in the universe, there are laws that govern our reincarnations and, therefore, that our future generations follow a certain pattern.
In regards with Enoch, Abraham, David, Josiah and Jesus, it seems that first every 7 generations and later every 13 generations this special lineage of Jesus attracted the same spirit. Therefore, the pattern of our reincarnations may follow the pattern of the female lineage of our mother and the male lineage of our father.

In regard with this pattern, it is important to realize that it is not so that each of the first seven patriarchs reaches the age of 7 times 120 years, but that together they reach the age of 7 times 7 times 120 years. This suggests that the age of each patriarch is related to the age of the other six patriarchs.
Questions we have to ask in regards with reincarnation are:
 -Can a soul only reincarnate when the body is ready that it has to reincarnate in?
 -If the Earth is limited, and so its resources, does the fact that people once lived in harmony suggest that there is a limited amount of souls?
 -What happened to all the souls of the people who got killed during the flood?
 -Is there perhaps another world where a soul has to wait till is body is ready and it can return to Earth?
 -How does murder affect the pattern of someone’s reincarnations?
 -Is that perhaps what Cain’s sevenfold vengeance refers to?
 -When Cain asks God, “Am I my brother’s keeper?” does he refer to how he has to produce offspring for Abel?”
 -Is it because Cain produced offspring for Abel that we find in the genealogy of Cain that Zillah ‘begat’ Tubal-Cain and her husband says, “Adah and Zillah, hear my voice, wives of Lamech, listen to what I say: I killed a man for wounding me, a boy for striking me. Sevenfold vengeance for Cain, but seventy-sevenfold for Lamech?”
-If we later reincarnate in a descendant following the lineage of the first-born, is giving the inheritance to the first-born not an egoistic way of taking care of ones own future?
- If we later reincarnate in a descendant following the lineage of the first-born, can one perhaps prolong his life by killing his first-born?

Abraham’s covenant
If we look at the graphs, we not only see a difference between the ages of the 10 patriarchs that lived before the flood and the 10 patriarchs that lived after the flood, but also that it is during the life of Abraham and Isaac that all the patriarchs from Noah to Terah die.
What happened during the life of Abraham that made that people no longer managed to prolong their lives – only a few generations after Abraham people no longer lived longer than a 120 years – is that there existed this tradition to kill the first-born and that Abraham put an end to it by neither sacrificing Ishmael[iii], his firstborn with Hagar[1], nor Isaac, his firstborn with Sarah.

[1] The words ‘to crossbreed’ and ‘to crucify’ are both derived from ‘cross’.
[2] Traditionally Jesus was believed to be only about 33 when he died, because according to Saint Luke he was, ‘as it was thought’, 30 years old when he began his ministry, which lasted three years. This seems too young to have a child that can get accused of being a rebel. However, those who later studied the information in the gospels have estimated that Jesus was around 40 at the time of his crucifixion and even the Vatican nowadays assumes that he was about that age at the time of his crucifixion.
[3] Whereas Genesis refers only to the sacrifice of Isaac, muslims are familiar with a similar story about Ishmael, who they believe is the father of all arabs.