Reading the posts in a chronological order is recommended.

viernes, 1 de febrero de 2019


If vegetarians want to change the world, because they long for a harmonious society, they should not create animosity towards their cause. Sadly enough, some people dislike vegetarianism associations because of how certain vegetarians defend their cause.

After being a vegan for seven years, I became a flexitarian. Giving up my vegan diet wasn’t easy. When I had serious problems with my digestion, a doctor recommended me to do so. Although he was a vegetarian, I didn’t accept his advice. I only gave up my vegan diet after my mother told me I had become very cranky and suddenly realized that I was bad publicity for the vegan cause.
My original plan was to recover my vegan diet as soon as my digestion improved. Including again animals in my diet made me feel uncomfortable. I dreamed about having started smoking again because I associated returning to my old diet with picking up again an old bad habit.

Thanks to my flexible diet of the last fourteen contact with non-vegetarians has become much easier. Friends and acquaintances have often asked me why I became a vegetarian. When I told them about my moral objections, they felt that I judged their diet, and therefore judged mine. Although I have learned to refute ridiculous arguments such as: “If you stop eating animals because they are alive, you also have to stop eating plants because they are also alive”, they almost never grasped my reasoning.
Talking about vegetarianism with people who are unable to question their omnivore diet makes no sense. Therefore, when nowadays people ask me why I am a vegetarian I suggest that read Eating Animals by Jonathan Safran Foer. The fact that my friends do not feel the same empathy doesn’t bother me because I know that vegetarianism is picking up among the new generations and they are the future.

Although I have met a lot of vegetarians, I don’t know of anyone else who gave up eating other creatures because of the Bible. When I was almost forty years, and suffered a serious midlife crisis, I felt that I had to become a vegetarian. Since I was questioning everything because of my crisis, I investigated where my subconscious got that idea from. I discovered it had to do with my early childhood and the kindergarten teacher who had talked about Adam and Eve in the days of paradise.
This young woman had told us that in paradise we were friends with the animals, and that after we got expelled from paradise, we began to suffer a lot of misery. This had made me come to the conclusion that to be allowed back into paradise, we had to stop eating animals. I was very proud for having found the solution, but a few minutes later I thought I had to be wrong because I assumed that adults knew everything better and they made me eat animals.

When some thirty years later I remembered that experience, it surprised me that the Bible has a vegetarian message. When I read that book I discovered that God prescribed Adam a vegetarian diet, “I give you every seed-bearing plant on the face of the earth and every tree that has fruit with seed in it for food.” Jews and Christians, who regard this book as sacred, eat other creatures because after the great flood God said to Noah, “Everything that lives and moves will be food for you. Just as I gave you the green herbs, I now give you everything.”

An attentive reader realizes that this second dietary law allows people to eat whatever creature – including other people –and that the words: “just as I gave you the green herbs” refer to the first dietary law, “ When he reads that first passage again, he finds that the green herbs were not given to Adam and Eve, but to the beasts, “And to all the wild animals on earth, and to all the birds of heaven and all the living creatures that creep along the ground, all the green herbs I give them as food." Therefore, this second dietary law tells us that God considers that those who eat other creatures are not humans, but beasts.

Immediately afterwards God said, “But you must not eat meat with its soul, which means with its blood, and I will demand an accounting. I will demand your soul from every animal, and from each man too, I will demand the human soul.” This implies that people can recover their human soul by eating other creatures. Whereas vegetarians have already done so, omnivores still have to achieve this.

The Bible encourages us to associate the human soul with following a vegetarian diet. Although it seems awkward that omnivores can recover their human soul by eating animals, we must realize that the animals they eat are mostly herbivores. We thus see that the Bible can help to spread vegetarianism: by associating eating other creatures with recovering the human soul, this book encourages non-vegetarians to question their diet, while at the same time it encourages vegetarians to be patient with non-vegetarians.


People associate vegetarianism with Hinduism and Buddhism, but ignore that the story of Adam and Eve, which Jews, Christians and Muslims are familiar with, associates a harmonious society with a vegetarian diet.
The Bible says that in the days of paradise God prescribed Adam a vegetarian diet, “I give you every seed-bearing plant on the face of the earth and every tree that has fruit with seed in it for food.” Jews and Christians, who regard this book as sacred, eat other creatures because after the great flood God said to Noah, “Everything that lives and moves will be food for you. Just as I gave you the green herbs, I now give you everything.”

An attentive reader realizes that this second dietary law allows people to eat whatever creature – including other people –and that the words: “just as I gave you the green herbs” refers to the first dietary law. When we read that first passage again, we find that the green herbs were not given to Adam and Eve, but to the beasts, “And to all the wild animals on earth, and to all the birds of heaven and all the living creatures that creep along the ground, all the green herbs I give them as food." With this second dietary law God tells us that He considers that those who eat other creatures are not humans, but beasts.



Thoth: -Hello earth dweller. I’m Thoth, the commander of this spaceship. What are your names?
Jacob: -I am Jacob. This is Mary, my wife.
Mary: -What a surprise. You speak our language. What planet do you come from?
Thoth: -We come from planet Worth.
Jacob: -What a huge spaceship! How many passengers does it take?
Thoth: -There are four seats for the crew and there is space for half a million corpses.
Mary: -Corpses?
Thoth: -We are here to get new provisions.
Jacob: -What kind of provisions?                                                              
Thoth: -Earth dwellers.
Mary: -Do you eat earth dwellers?
Thoth: -We love earth dwellers. My favourite dish is Earth dwellers with a sweet and sour sauce.
Jacob: -Earth dwellers with a sweet and sour sauce?
Thoth: -Yes, I love it.       

Mary: -How are you going to get those corpses?
Thoth: -By inviting people to visit our spaceship. Would you like to see its interior?
Jacob: -No, thank you. What’s the meaning of those symbols on your spaceship?
Thoth: It is the name of this spaceship in worth dweller script. It says, “Final Judgement”.
Jacob: -Final Judgement?        
Thoth: -It was Zeus’ idea.
Jacob: -Zeus?
Thoth: -He is the oldest on our planet.
Mary: -The gods rule your planet?        
Thoth: -All planet Worth dwellers are gods.
Mary: -And you eat earth dwellers?
Toth: -We do.
Mary: -But you shouldn’t. We earth dwellers don’t like to be eaten!
Toth: -But we worth dwellers like to eat earth dwellers!
Mary: -But that is terrible.         
Toth: -Why? You eat other creatures, don’t you?
Mary: -Yes, but they are different.
Toth: -No they aren’t. Are you religious?
Jacob: -Mary is religious. I’m not. Oh, wait a second! Why did you ask? Is it because you don’t eat earth dwellers who are religious?
Toth: -We don’t differentiate between believers and non-believers. Tell me Jacob, since you don’t believe in religion, you believe in science, don’t you?
Jacob: -Yes, but science is not something that you believe in. Science is about natural laws that have been proved to be right.
Toth: -No it is not. Science is about natural laws that you believe that have been proved to be right. We neither care about religion nor about science. What matters to us is wisdom, which is processing information right. Have you heard about Charles Darwin?
Jacob: -Of course I have.                                                                                                          Toth: -He demonstrated that all creatures on planet Earth have a common ancestor.
Jacob: -That is correct.
Toth: -Then why do you eat other creatures?
Jacob: -Because that was a long time ago.                                                                        
Toth: -We and you have a common ancestor, but that was also a long time ago.
Mary: -I had no idea.
Toth: -That was before your ancestors changed their diet and we expelled them from Worth. 
Mary: -You expelled our ancestors for changing their diet?
Toth: -Yes, we did. Mary, do you have children?
Mary: -I have two: Sophie is thirteen and Jesus is less than a year.
Toth: -I love spit-roast baby. Crispy on the outside, tender flesh inside, absolutely delicious. But it is a lot of work to get that crispy crust. That is why we only have spit-roast baby on Doomsday.
Jacob:  -Doomsday?
Toth: -Every 5779 planet Earth years we celebrate Doomsday. According to our calendar, that will be three days after we get back to Worth from our humanitarian mission. We then get together with the family and eat spit-roast baby. It is a tradition.           
Mary: -But that is a terrible tradition.
Toth: -I thought earth dwellers never questioned traditions.
Jacob: -Why don’t you eat cows, pigs and chickens? That’s what we do. We have a lot of them. We can sell some to you if you want. Then you don’t have to eat us.
Toth: -One should eat a bit of everything! Isn’t that what earth dwellers who eat other earth creatures say to earth dwellers who don’t eat other earth creatures?
Jacob: -Who told you that? Have you been talking to a vegetarian?
Mary: -Are there worth dwellers who don’t eat earth dwellers?
Toth: -All worth dwellers eat earth dwellers, but we never eat those who don’t eat other earth creatures. We are fair: we treat a creature the way it treats other creatures!
Mary: -Worth dwellers don’t eat vegetarians?
Toth: -You got it.
Mary: -Sophie is a vegetarian.
Toth: -We won’t eat her.

Mary: -But Sophie loves her baby brother Jesus.
Toth: -Sophie will have babies of her own and they will not think of eating other earth creatures because when our humanitarian mission is accomplished there will no longer be earth dwellers who do so.
Jacob: -I hope that you don’t eat earth dwellers who are religious? My wife is a Christian and I was raised a Christian.
Toth: -But you are no longer a Christian, are you Jacob? What matters is not what you were in the past, but what you are today.
Jacob: -Will you spare Mary for being a Christian?
Toth: -Your wife is not a Christian. She only thinks she is a Christian.
Mary: -But I am a Christian. I go to mass every Sunday.
Toth: -That doesn’t make you a Christian, Mary. Real Christians don’t eat other creatures. Have you not read that Jesus Christ said that he had not come to change the law? And doesn’t one of the Ten Commandments say, “Do not kill”?
Mary: -But that means not to kill other people.
Toth: -Mary, isn’t it obvious that if it meant Do not to kill other people! it would say, Do not kill other people?
Jacob: -But we thought it did. Nobody told us that it is forbidden to kill whatever creature. The priests did not explain that to us.    
Toth: -Do not blame the priests. You have a brain, don’t you? And you can read, don’t you?
Mary: -But we assumed that commandment meant Do not kill other people.
Toth: -Look, we are going to sacrifice you NOT because you eat other earth dwellers, but because you have NOT figured out that Do not kill! refers to all creatures. We are going to sacrifice you because you have no empathy. For us, creatures without a soul are just meat.
Mary: We are not just meat. We have a soul.
Toth: -I’m afraid that the other creatures on earth disagree with you.
Mary: -Please, don’t eat us. We can learn. Teach us empathy. Give us a chance.

Toth: -We inspired several fairy tales that teach people empathy. Some people got their message, others didn’t.
Jacob: -I thought fairy tales were just entertainment.
Toth: -A lot of you earth dwellers only think of having fun. Some of you even have fun torturing other creatures.
Mary: -We don’t.
Toth: -But you eat other creatures. People who don’t understand what Hansel and Gretel tries to transmit have no soul.
Mary: -I was terrified when that evil witch put Hansel in a cage to fatten him because she planned to eat him later. I was so happy that Gretchen liberated him.
Toth: -Why didn’t this fairy tale make you empathize with the caged animals that earth dwellers fatten up because they plan to eat them later?

Mary: -Nobody told me to do that.

Jacob: -Please forgive us.
Toth: -You have had plenty of chances to learn empathy. The time has come to get rid of selfish people. People who continuously have to be told what is good and what is evil, because they can’t figure that out for themselves, are too much a burden for the universe.
Mary: -Please save Jesus. He is only 8 months old. He’s innocent
Toth: -No he’s not. All people on earth have been here several times before. You have all had many chances to improve your behaviour.
Jacob: -Are you telling us that we are the reincarnations of people who lived in the past?
Toth: -If you had processed information right you would have realized that yourself.
Mary: -I don’t believe in reincarnation.
Toth: -People who fall hurt themselves whether they believe in the law of gravity or not. All earth dwellers have been here several times before.
Jacob: -Will we reincarnate after you eat us?
Toth: -Those who have lost their soul don’t reincarnate. This humanitarian mission is called the Last Judgement because by eating unworthy earth dwellers we restore harmony on planet Earth.
Mary: -Look at those bright stars in the East! They are coming closer.
Toth: -They are not stars, but the other spaceships of our humanitarian mission.
Mary: -Oh, my God!                        
Toth: -Yes Mary, can I help you?
Mary: -I wasn’t referring to you, dammit.