Reading the posts in a chronological order is recommended.

martes, 27 de octubre de 2015


Christians consider that Jesus was the son of God. But what is God and how can Christians think God has children? Some people claim that God doesn’t exist. Others only consider that the idea that Christians and other believers have of God is unrealistic.
One can see God as the forces that govern the universe.* Claiming that God does not exist then makes little sense, since one cannot deny the existence of the laws of nature. When one realizes that all laws of nature follow the principle of cause and effect, the belief in one God is the belief in the principle of cause and effect,** and someone who is so much aware of the principle of cause and effect – God – that by learning from the past he foresees the future can be referred to as a son of God.
Mohamed said that Jesus was not the son of God, but just like Christians he believed that Jesus was a prophet born of a virgin. Therefore, the revelation of the enigma in the gospel of Saint Matthew not only affects Christianity, but also Islam. Since Mohamed’s understanding of the forces that govern the universe – God – was much better than his contemporaries, it makes little sense to assume that the revelations he received from God were a complete fraud. The fact that he was also misled however teaches us that prophets make mistakes and forces us to question the nature of the revelations that prophets receive.
A prophet has a good connection with his subconscious and when that connects with him, through dreams or ideas that simply pop up in his consciousness, it is as if God speaks to him. Why? Because by filing all information according to similarities, one’s subconscious can reach many conclusions regarding the nature of the forces that govern the universe (God)*** and when one doesn’t realize where this information comes from it is logical to assume it comes from God. Only when a prophet is aware that it is his subconscious that is talking to him, he learns to question the revelations that he receives.

(*Whereas religions divide people, a better comprehension of the forces that govern the universe – God – brings them together.)
 (**Albert Einstein said, "I am convinced that He (God) does not play dice.")
(***Our consciousness processes information different. It continuously reaches new conclusions by basing itself on conclusions reached earlier on. To process information we have to see how new information affects all old information – how new theories affect all previous theories –, but when we are convinced that certain ideas (axioms, dogmas) are right, we do not do so)

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