Reading the posts in a chronological order is recommended.

lunes, 19 de octubre de 2015


Jesus once said: “…and blessed is anyone who does not find a scandal in me!” (Mt11:6). Although I point out that the genealogies in the gospel of Saint Matthew tell us that Jesus was born of an incestuous relationship between Mary and her father-in-law, I find no scandal in Jesus. I see no reason for discriminating people who were born outside marriage.
I also consider that what matters about Jesus is his message, and not whether he was born of a virgin or from an incestuous relation. Is what matters about a present the wrapping paper that holds the present or the present itself? Is what matters about a doctor the university where he studied or the fact that he heals you? Is what matters about a goldseeker whether he has an official gold seekers degree or the fact that he finds gold?
How do you think a goldseeker feels when he learns that because he has no offical gold seekers degree, nobody wants to analyze whether his findings are gold? How do you think Jesus must have felt when he learned that because he was born from an incestuous relation, people didn’t want to listen to his message? Jesus said, “Blessed is anyone who does not find a scandal in me!” because only the people who found no scandal in him listened to his teachings and benefitted from them.

Christians have listened to Jesus’ teachings because they ignored the truth about Jesus’ father. If they had known Mary had Jesus from her father-in-law a lot of them would have seen scandal in Jesus.

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